There is clear evidence in educational research that lack of attendance at school, for whatever reason, can significantly reduce the potential attainment and achievement levels of the young people concerned.
Holidays taken in term time are a significant reason for absence from school both locally and nationally.
From September 2013 pupils will no longer be granted up to 10 days leave for the purpose of a family holiday.
“.... Amendments to The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006, remove references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days. The amendments make it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted........”
All requests for leave of absence during term time must be put in writing The request from obtainable from the school office. Once completed the parent/ carer must return the form to the office.
The parents/carers will be informed by letter of any decision made regarding the request for leave of absence.
Should the request be declined by the Head Teacher and the parent / carer continue to take the holiday, the absence will be marked as unauthorised. This could lead to a request being made to the Local Authority for the implementation of a fixed penalty fine. This will be dependent on the length of absence.
In accordance with the Local Authority code of practise a fine can be implemented for 10 days unauthorised absence which can be accumulative over the academic year. This fine may be up to £120. Please read Salford City Council's policy on this here.
Lower Kersal Primary School has implemented the following criteria in order to manage holidays in term time fairly and equitably across the school:
- Under normal circumstances school will not authorise any holiday.
Exemption to the above will be:-
- Medical evidence provided recommended holiday due to: Convalescence, Stress related illness, Family death
These exemptions will be considered on an individual basis
Breach of the Policy
Should a holiday be taken when
- No written request has been made
- A request has been made and has been denied by the Head Teacher.
A request for the implementation of a penalty notice will be made to the Local Authority.
Thinking of taking your child on a holiday during term time?
Please download and complete our school's holiday request form. Completed forms should be handed in at our main office. Thank you.